Sunnyside Chats : Tell Your Story on Social - September 9
Rise and shine on the sunnyside and join us for breakfast!
Tell Your Story. Engage Your Audience. Build a Loyal Community
Date: Thursday, September 9 @ 9-11 AM at Indigo & Violet Studio - 1411 W. Irving Park Rd.
Speaker: Rose Mills
You read that right - we're back in person! Tickets are $20 to include coffee and breakfast from The Long Room x Biscuit Man. $5 from each ticket proceeds will go to My Block My Hood My City, a Chicago nonprofit organization that provides underprivileged youth with an awareness of the world and opportunities beyond their neighborhood. Grab your ticket today - only 10 tickets available.
We're meeting once month and back in-person while it's safe to do so. We're keeping our eyes and ears out for info as it is given and we'll make changes as needed. We're committed to our small business community and GETTING SHIT DONE. Join us! Sunnyside Chats is co-hosted by Andi Mints Design and Indigo & Violet Studio.